Monday, October 9, 2017

WAVES of Women

We are excited to announce that one of the local huddles formed directly after the January 21 Women’s Marches has planned a Massachusetts statewide action, which we support and encourage our membership to participate in this Saturday, October 14. We are happy to partner with Wave of Women -- #WaveofWomenMA -- a grassroots movement dedicated to women's leadership in each Massachusetts town and city.
Here are the basics:

The statewide action will take place this coming Saturday, October 14, 2017.

All it takes is 20 Minutes: Choose a 20 minute time frame that works for you, anytime between 9am-4pm.

WAVE stands for Women Acting Visibly Everywhere, and as in the Women's Marches, individuals from across the state and the political spectrum are invited to become visible in their communities, make their voices heard, and participate in collective civic action.
Each participant will act visibly to persist with the goals and messages of the Women's Marches, tailored to our local communities.

Find a safe, public, recognizable spot in our town.

Stand with your homemade sign – alone or with others. Take twenty minutes and make your message visible!

Hashtag your action #WAVEofWomenMA

It is very important for participants to take two minutes to sign-up on the website, This will allow the WAVE organizers to track progress in reaching their goal of having participation in each and every one of Massachusetts’ 351 towns and cities.

To sign up, go to

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