Saturday, July 21, 2018

Appalled by the antics, pronouncements, lies, rudeness and bluster that mark the Presidency of Donald Trump

Every day, I am appalled by the antics, pronouncements, lies, rudeness, and bluster that mark the Presidency of Donald Trump, and, indeed, I could write a letter everyday about Mr. Trump’s incompetence as I fervently hope for and anxiously await the end of his term in office. But today, I am mostly concerned about the poor example he continues to set in terms of civil behavior and treatment of children. His language and demeanor when speaking about or directly to political opponents, immigrants, people of other races (non-white) and ethnic groups, and other world leaders are crude and disrespectful. He has created a national atmosphere of insolence and ill-mannered behavior. What a horrible example to set for the youth of our country!

With regard to the children, it seems that the welfare of immigrant children (i.e., keeping them with their parents) is less important than sticking to a hard line policy of border restriction. America should be the beacon of hope to families escaping hardships in other lands, and welcoming such families is what will make America great. Yes, having rules and regulations in place for proper assimilation is necessary, but separating families is not.

I believe that Mr. Trump will not change. Therefore, I urge my fellow citizens to get to the polls this fall and vote for senators and representatives who will help restore civility in America and who will truly care about our youth, those already here and those looking to America for hope.

Sam Baumgarten
Bridgewater, MA 02324

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